Cora Sheibani, is a Swiss jewellery designer that creates jewellery inspired by pastry! Her inspiration, (as it's the case in most inspirational moments in ones life) came to her one day when she encounter problems in her production.
Frustrated and distressed, she spend her afternoon indulging in pastries in Zurich (well after all she is a girl..and we all know that this method works!). As luck had it, she then met a goldsmith, who so happened he had some antique copper molds for pastries and candies and that gave her a new kick start to begin collecting them herself. She even went to the great extend of taking courses in the historic confectionery (where is that class cause i wan to take it myself!).
Now six years later, her jewellery, created in precious metals and semi precious stones, are resembling a tray of petits fours. Her pieces are whimsical, fun and I might say very different; like her gold pretzels necklace or her candy and cup cake rings.
Ms Sheibani's pieces start at $4,000 and can go up to $9,500 and if you live in New York city, you can view her work at the Arts Corporation Studio from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Arts Corporation Studio | 4th floor, 35 Great Jones Street (Lafayette Street) | 646.509.3753.
For the rest of us that New York might be a bit too far fetched, you can see Ms Sheibani's exhibition tour and dates in London and Zurich by visiting her exhibition page.
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