We love Iris Apfel! Her bold look with striking colour combinations and Fab jewellery is a legendary one. Known for her eclectic mixing of haute couture with costume jewellery and exotic baubles, Iris Apfel has inspired bold developments in the fashion industry through her spirited irreverence and pitch-perfect taste.
Apfel is 88, a "geriatric starlet" (her own description) who has suddenly become a staple of hip New York life – photographed by Bruce Weber, admired by designers such as Isaac Mizrahi and Duro Olowu, featured in Paper magazine, Vogue and the New York Times, blown up beyond life-size in the window of Barneys department store. In the five years since a show of her clothes at the Metropolitan Museum's Costume Institute was a word-of-mouth sensation, she has taken the world of style by storm. Her looks are now so legendary!
Long live the Queen!